Guide to Creating a Perfect Seamless Pattern in Adobe Illustrator
Chris Olson Chris Olson

Guide to Creating a Perfect Seamless Pattern in Adobe Illustrator

Struggling with patterns that just won’t line up correctly?

With just a few simple steps—and the right Pattern Options Panel settings—you’ll be creating flawless seamless patterns in no time. This post includes an easy guide to creating a perfect seamless pattern in Adobe Illustrator.

Plus, you can also watch my quick tutorial video to see how it’s done!

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Can AI Accurately Analyze Product Photos and Explain Branding Strategies?
branding, artificial intelligence Chris Olson branding, artificial intelligence Chris Olson

Can AI Accurately Analyze Product Photos and Explain Branding Strategies?

Can AI figure out what people like, spot upcoming trends, and make brands look awesome, all by just looking at images?

I did my own unscientific test to see how well AI can analyze a brand based on a photo. Using a very short prompt and a photo I took at Whole Foods in the wine section, I submitted the same prompt to both ChatGBT 4o and Claude 3.5.

My prompt: You are a creative director at a design agency. Can you tell me about the branding of this bottle.

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